Monday, February 11, 2013

October 31st 2012 - Look who´s walking!!


  1. Random Stuff
    Cousins Jamison and Harley May, 12 nov 02:32
    Everyone LOVED watching Liam walk. Awesome job, Liam! You are soooooooooo adorable! We miss you sooooooo much and wish we could be there for your first birthday! Give your big sister and brother a BIG hug and kiss from us.

    From Harley: I love you! "Oopedi-doopti."

    From Jamison: You know what? I'm going to have my birthday soon and I'm about to have a loose tooth. And, I know how to do a flip in the air. It's so fun when I do it.


  2. Question
    Uncle Craig, 12 nov 02:27
    What does "Ooba-dee-dooktee" mean? I love saying it!

  3. Precious
    MeMere, 01 nov 14:56
    What a great video! He is so cute and grown-up. Can't believe he isn't even 1 yet!!! He's big enough to help with the moving!!
    Mom L
