Friday, February 20, 2015


This week is sportlov. One week off school. We had a bunch of fun stuff planned for the kids - going to the movies, go out to eat, play dates, trip to the woods with friends and so on. Sounds fun.. We didn't get to do one single thing of these things. We got the flu instead, or the stomach flu. Damien got sick on Saturday night and Alicia on Sunday. Yesterday we thought that we were finally doing well again and we were looking forward to a fun and social weekend. That didn't last for long, last night Liam got really sick, a super high fever and the stomach flu as well. Looks like we are staying in for the weekend :(

God that we have 3 months of fun in our near future to look forward to! 


  1. So sorry you had a sick week. Hope they are all feeling a little better now. Can't wait to see you guys! Love Mom L.

  2. Aww! So sorry everyone was sick. We went through that during Christmas Break. On the one hand, it definitely stinks, but on the other hand it was good to have the week off to recover and feel better. Still, sorry you missed out on all your fun plans! Hope Liam is feeling better now! Love, Aunt Sue
